Sunday, November 23, 2008

Barbara and Jimmy win Maria Antionette award; go see

Go and see Barbara's blog "My Life in Caneyfield"and Lori's blog "Dusty Pages"
and Jimmys blog "Jimmy s blog" and Laini and Mark at "Its a Reel Thing"Yasmin of "Isn't She Great?" and Dirk of "First Amendment, Not Politically Correct",Jeanette of Outside-Looking In and Marti of Porch Stories.
I follow these friends so you can find them here. they are followers too (another route).
They have received a Maria Antoinette Award and that means that they write well about where they live but also about other things.
They are asked to nominate other bloggers as well...
You guys are invited to set that award up too in your blog if you so desire.


Jeannette said...

I got one the week before last. I had such a hard time picking as I follower over 100 journals. I am glad that it is going round and gradually nearly everyone is getting them.

Lori said...

Thank you for the mention Natalie! Hope you are having a good week.

natalie said...

Dear Jeanette,
Big Congratulations!
I have edited you in Jeanette!
Thanks for telling me!
You are a passionate writer and a dear friend.

natalie said...

dear Lori,
you are so kind !
you have a great heart!