Thursday, October 29, 2009

h1n1 Nasal Vaccine: Is it safe for anyone?

October 29,2009

Nasal Vaccine:Is it Safe for Anyone?

Dr. Sager reported that no one should take the nasal vaccine if they have or have had; lung disease, asthma, or a weakened immune system..
Huhhhhhhh? I didn't hear this on the news nor read it in the newspaper.
He says parents should be warned prior to the children getting the vaccine.
I have not been told at all...
And the word is that many elementary schools in my area and possibly yours will be given this nasal vaccine without any warnings being given out....
What do you think?


Cathy said...

I think you should read that post and think for yourself - with an educated decision.

Cathy said...

May 2009 "Please Don't Worry" just read, get educated, then either get the vaccine or not - just get the facts first. I care about you.

natalie said...

Dear Kathy
I still think that the nasal shot has some nasty chemicals in it like mercury that should not be allowed.