Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas tell us your thoughts and plans ..

Merry Christmas to you all
Thank you for being a reader and a friend here!
HUgs all around! please leave thoughts and greetings for this magical day...
What will you do? a walk on the beach or skiing? stay at home ro go to friends?
a long nap or a longer sleep? Or a jog?:):)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Leave Comments for Hanukkah

Happy Hanukkah, Festival of Lights to our Jewish blogger s and their family...
will you travel or stay home? will you have family visit or not? let us know...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Pearl Harbor Day

Jimmy's Journal mentions Pearl Harbor in detail...
I wish you say that we bloggers honor all of the victims of Pearl Harbor.
It was a terrible tragedy to see them cut down when they weren't expecting to be attacked in their ships in port...
Our Deepest Condolences to all you lost brave men and women that day.
Please leave comments and condolences for these people.