Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lynne please add me to your blog

Lynne thank you so much for your comments!
Please add me to your blog as you have gone private so I can write to you!

ATribute To Michael Jackson..What do you think?

Larry King Live
A Tribute to Michael Jackson..A Memorial

Larry King delivered a nice commentary on Michael Jackson..his life ...
the era ;"we are the world..we are the children.."his accomplishments in the music adn performing arts world are numerous..his acclaim worldwide..his love of his children and of the various charities he supported...
Is this you view of Michaal? Do you miss him? His music? tell us...

Some Bloggers say Teens Too Young

Some bloggers say that teen drivers need to be older....That they need more experience and ability to reason on the road... that this lack of experience and sense may cause fatalities...
Thanks for caring for these kids! Your voice means so much !

Friday, July 3, 2009

Are Teen Drivers Safe on th Road?

Are Teen drivers safe do you think?
We are all in shock here because of deaths ina DWI collision that killed so many gifted kids...
so people..why do we have so many of these?
What is the solution if any to avoiding so many?
tell us....

Happy Fourth of July!How will you celebrate

Happy Fourth of July!
What will you do to celebrate our independence from Great Britain?
Let us know!