Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!
Jimmy at Jimmy's Journal wants you and me to be more specific!
Happy Hanukkah!I'm looking for the perfect driedel...
Merry Christmas
Happy Kwanzaa!
has anyone ever met anyone who celebrates Kwanzaa?
What adventures await you? Please let me know!
please leave messages for the holidays here and at your friends' sites!


Julie said...

My sister used to celebrate that, don't know if she still does. She is very very liberal and I can't talk to her about anything even slightly political or she goes off on me. very understanding and friendly of her huh, LOL. Merry Christmas

natalie said...

dear Julia,
Thanks for commenting my friend!
umhum...I needed some humor today!

garnett109 said...

It is always Merry Christmas In This house, If people want to celebrate Happy holidays they can get together up Wal-Mart And Do it!